Scientific Subjects
Common Sense regarding the Generation of Electricity
The destruction of Planet Earth and the extinction of Homo Sapiens
How large is a googol
Species Extinction
in the Atmosphere
How GPS works
Causes of glacial retreat
Artificial Intelligence in the RAF
Pseudo-Scientific Subjects
A Highly Recommended Diet
Resistance to Antibiotics
Alpine Footpaths in Austria
Blowing the Whistle on Digital Currency
Humorous Subjects - not to be taken too seriously
The Good Old Days
If I ruled the world…
Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Thought
Mr, Mrs or Miss?
The Furlough Scheme
The Grammar of left and right in politics
Controversial Opinions
The Fox-Hunting Debate
Is angling with hook and line cruel to fish?
Proof that Christopher Marlowe wrote Shakespeare's Plays
Religious Beliefs Challenged
Socialist hostility to the wealth of others
The ethnicity of one's friends
Chairman or Chairperson?
Moral Judgements through the ages
Iconic Faces
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