
Caving Logbook

I gave up caving a long time ago, once I had lost the necessary joint flexibility for all of the wriggling and squirming that was necessary, but I have a lot of caving memories to look back on.

I qualified as a Local Cave Leader in June 1998 and as a Cave Rescuer 11 February 2000.

The following table lists my personal caving trips in alphabetical order of Region and System.

01-Aug-82Ardecheunknown PM3 L14-5 hours exploration underground. Big system, no survey, no guidebook
26-Oct-01BelgiumTriu de Nou MoulinPM3HandlinedA good through trip with a bit of everything
28-Oct-01BelgiumTrou VeranPM 3SRTFirst 2 pitches only due to a lack of time
22-Sep-01CantabriaCanuelaPM 2 ladderedVery large system, anticlockwise round trip
19-Sep-01CantabriaCoventosaPM2Laddered Leisurely exploration of generally large passages
20-Sep-01CantabriaSumides de CellaguaPM5SRT325m descent to Titan Hall for overnight camp
21-Sep-01CantabriaSuma de Garma GriegaPM5SRT425m ascent from Titan Hall
26-Jun-76GibraltarLower St Michaels’s CavePM2L1Taken through by a local army leder. A very through exploration
13-Nov-93Lake DistrictBonsor MineLeader2L1Full exploration, somewhat loose and dangerous
16-May-78MendipsEastwater CavernPM4L1Wet and strenuous
18-May-78MendipsGB CavernPM3L1To Great Chamber and back
15-Mar-98MendipsGB CavernPM3L1via Mud Passage to Picture Gallery, back via Devil’s Elbow
03-Nov-01MendipsGB Cavern PM3Ladderedvisited the upper series via a ladder
19-May-78MendipsGoatchurch CavernPM3L1Round Trip of whole system – terminal chamber
28-Nov-95MendipsLongwood/August SystemPM3L1 a lot of flat-out crawling
14-May-78MendipsManor Farm SwalletPM3Laddered to Florence’s Bathtub
17-May-78MendipsSloke Lane SlockerPM4L1to sump 1. A smelly cave with a lot of crawling
15-May-78MendipsSwildon’s HolePM3L1to Sump 2
25-Nov-95MendipsSwildon’s HolePM3L1to Sump 2
14-Mar-98MendipsSwildon’s HolePM3Laddered Through S1 to S2 to start of Blue Pencil nd back
04-Nov-01MendipsSwildon’s HolePM2Laddered To Sump1 and back. Party of 7 including a 7-year old
04-Nov-02MendipsSwildon’s HolePM2Laddered Through Sump 1
25-May-82North WalesGlen AlinPM2L1 some interesting mining artifacts
25-Aug-82North WalesOgof Hesp AlynPM5Laddered First 3 pitches only, of 8m, 25m, and 10m. Srenuous
16-Jun-82North WalesPoacher’s CavePM2Laddereda few crawls and a lot of mud
24-Jun-80Peak DistrictCarlswark CavernLeader2Pull ThroughEyam Dale Shaft to Gin Entrance
18-Dec-98Peak DistrickCarlswark CavernLeader3Pull ThroughEyam Dale Shaft to Gin Entrance with novices
11-Spe-99Peak DistrictCarlswark CavernLeader3Pull Through1 through trip training deputy, then 2 through trips with Army Cadets
05-May-83Peak DistrictCarlswark CavernLeader2Pull ThroughEyam Dale Shaft to Gin Entrance
06-Jan-96Peak DistrictEldon HolePM3SRT2 routes rigged on CSCA Meet. Followed Charlie Milton
10-Nov-79Peak DistrictGiant’s HoleLeader3LadderedRound Trip. Inwards low, outwards high, (anticlockwise)
12-Nov-80Peak DistrictGiant’s HolePM3LadderedRound trip. Inwards high, outwards low (clockwise)
17-Nov-81Peak DistrictGiant’s HoleLeader3Ladderedvia Giant’s Walk to Eating House and back
17-Mar-82Peak DistrictGiant's HolePM3Laddered Round trip. Inwards low, outwards high (clockwise)
23-Jun-85Peak DistrictGiant’s HoleLeader3LadderedRound trip. Inwards low, outwards high (clockwise)
11-Nov-90Peak DistrictGiant’s HoleLeader3LadderedRound trip. Inwards low, outwards high (clockwise)
10-Nov-91Peak DistrictGiant’s HoleLeader3LadderedRound trip. Inwards high, outwards low (anticlockwise)
10-Feb-96Peak DistrictGiant’s HoleLeader3LadderedRound trip. Inwards low, outwards high (clockwise)
18-May-96Peak DistrictGiant’s HoleLeader3LadderedRound trip. Inwards low, outwards high (clockwise)
13-Jun-99Peak DistrictGiant’s HoleLeader3LadderedVia Giant’s Windpipe, Eating House, Crab Walk
12-Aug-91Peak DistrictGiant’s HoleLeader3LadderedWith a party of novices
03-May-03Peak DistrictGiant’s HoleLeader3LadderedWith a party of novices
17-Jun-95Peak DistrictMaskhill MinePM5SRTVery Muddy. Led by Neal Brammer. De-rigged very muddy ropes. Ugh!
25-Jun-79Peak DistrictP8 (Jackpot)PM3Ladderedto terminal sump and back
10-Nov-79Peak DistrictP8 (Jackpot)Leader3Ladderedto terminal sump and back
25-Nov-89Peak DistrictP8 (Jackpot)Leader3Ladderedto terminal sump and back
10-Nov-90Peak DistrictP8 (Jackpot)Leader3Ladderedto bottom sump and back
09-Nov-91Peak DistrictP8 (Jackpot)Leader3Ladderedto terminal sump and back
13-Nov-94Peak DistrictP8 (Jackpot)Leader3Ladderedto terminal sump and back
16-Jun-95Peak DistrictP8 (Jackpot)Leader3Ladderedto terminal sump and back
08-Aug-98Peak DistrictP8 (Jackpot)PM3SRTThorough exploration
09-Sep-98Peak DistrictP8 (Jackpot)Leader3LadderedVery sporting in heavy water conditions
12-Jun-99Peak DistrictP8 (Jackpot)Leader3SRTto bottom sump and back
13-Nov-99Peak DistrictP8 (Jackpot)Leader3SRTto bottom sump and back
04-May-03Peak DistrictP8 (Jackpot)Leader3Ladderedto terminal sump and back
07-Jan-96Peak DistrictPeak CavernPM2L1To far beyond show cave. Round trip with CSCA
16-Nov-97Peak DistrictPeak CavernLeader2L1To far beyond show cave. Round trip with CMC
09-Aug-98Peak DistrictStreak’s PotPM4L2Through trip. Following Jim Carr
07-Jul-98Peak DistrictKnotlow CavernPM3LadderedClimbing Shaft Route, pitches of 15m, 12m, and 12m
09-May-78PortlandAriel CavePM3Abseilalso called Blacknor Hole. Abseiled down cliff and swung in. Exit was via the same rope to the cliff foot
03-Jul-78PortlandAriel CavePM2Abseiltight in places
12-May-78PortlandPersil RiftPM2LadderedQuite a bit of crawling
14-Jun-78PortlandSandy HolePM3L1a bit of horrible crawling
13-Apr-03South WalesAgen AllwedDep L2L1to selenite chrystals
23-Jun-79South WalesLittle Neath River CavePM4L1Strenuous and tiring
27-Nov-99South WalesOFDPM4L2Cwndwr to OFD?
12-Apr-03South WalesOgof ClogwynDep L2L1Cadet trip
12-Apr-03South WalesOgof Pen EryrDep L3L1Cadet trip
24-Jun-79South WalesPorth Y OgofPM3L1Thorough exploration. Through trip. Welcome swim in river on exit
26-Sep-77YorkshireAlum PotPM3LadderedAn early tiring ladder exercise
29-Sep-77YorkshireBar PotPM3LadderedTo Gaping Ghyll Main Chamber
10-Oct-92YorkshireBar PotPM3SRTTo Gaping Ghyll Main Chamber
15-Oct-92YorkshireBar PotPM3SRTTo Gaping Ghyll Main Chamber
21-Oct-95YorkshireBar PotPM3SRTCSCA Meet. All but the bottom pitch
10-Apr-99YorkshireBar PotLeader3SRTto Gaping Ghyll and bottom of Disappointment Pot
16-Oct-95YorkshireBull Pot KingsdalePM3SRTde-rigged. A RAFMA Meet
05-Oct-96YorkshireBull Pot KingsdaleLeader3SRTRigged and de-rigged
15-Aug-99YorkshireBull Pot KingsdaleLeader3SRTAll but final pitch. Re-rigged
20-Oct-00YorkshireBull Pot KingsdalePM3SRTAll except final pitch. CSCA Meet
12-Jul-03YorkshireBull Pot KingsdaleLeader3SRTParty of 4
30-Jun-97YorkshireBull Pot of the WitchesPM3SRTall 3 pitches
05-Dec=98YorkshireCalf Holles to BrowgillLeader2SRTOnsite lead. party of 2 with Viv Martin
28-Aug-00YorkshireCalf Holes to BrowgillLeader2AbseilWith party of Cambs ACF Cadets
29-Aug-00YorkshireCalf Holes to BrowgillLeader2AbseilWith party of Cambs ACF Cadets
13-Jul-03YorkshireCalf Holes to BrowgillLeader2SRTparty of 4
14-Jul-03YorkshireCalf Holes to BrowgillLeader2LowerCCAT Party
22-Sep-77YorkshireCounty PotPM3Ladderedto the Minarets and back
08-Aug-87YorkshireCounty PotPM3Ladderedto Main Drain and back
03=Oct-98YorkshireCounty PotLeader3Ladderedinstruction to 3 novices
25-Sep-77YorkshireDow CavePM2L1to second choke. Surveying
15-Jul-00YorkshireGreat DoukLeader1L1with novice part from CMC
27-Aug-00YorkshireGreat DoukLeader1L1with party of Cambs ACF Cadets
28-Sep-77YorkshireHeron PotPM3Pull-throughVery tight exit; had to remove n lamp belt
17-Jul-00YorkshireHeron PotSolo2L1Solo recce from top entrance to top of first pitch only
21-Oct-00YorkshireHunt PotPM3SRTCSCA party of 9
20-Sep-77YorkshireIbbeth Peril 1PM3L1some strenuous flat-out crawling, but worth the effort
22-Sep-91YorkshireIreby Fell CavernPM3SRTvia Shadow Route to Duke Street 1. Back de-rigging Ding, Dong Bell
03-Oct-92YorkshireIreby Fell CavernPM3SRTderigged
22-Oct-95YorkshireIreby Fell CavernPM3SRTCSCA Meet. Ding Dong Bell route to Duke Street 1
03-Aug-96YorkshireIreby Fell CavernLeader3SRTrigged and derigged
o8-Dec-98YorkshireIreby Fell CavernLeader3SRTDing Dong Bell only, with SRT Novice
11-Apr-99YorkshireIreby Fell CavernLeader3SRTDing Dong Bell Pussy Well to Duke Street 1
09-Feb-00YorkshireIreby Fell CavernPM3SRTdown Shadow, up Ding Dong Bell. Improvised rescue practice
14-Jun-03YorkshireIreby Fell CavernPM3SRTvia Shadow Route to Duke Street 1, back derigging Ding Dong Bell
13-Aug-99YorkshireJingling PotLeader3SRTOn-site lead via Lateral Cleft. Party of 2 with Viv Martin
20-Oct-00YorkshireJingling PotP3SRTvia Lateral Cleft. CSCA Meet
23-Sep-77YorkshireLancaster HolPM3Ladderedto the Minarets and back
21-Sep-91YorkshireLancaster HolePM3SRTto the Minarets and back
23-Oct-95YorkshireLancaster HolePM3SRTCSCA Meet. To the colonnades and back
02-Jul-97YorkshireLancaster HolePM3SRTto the Colonnades and back
26-Jun-98YorkshireLong Churn SystemLeader2l1with my daughter, aged 12. Twice through, descending water-slide into Dr Banister’s Hand Basin
29-May-93YorkshireLong Churn SystemLeader2L1with a party of children
26-Mar-98YorkshireLong Churn SystemPL3L1water very high
04-Aug-99YorkshireLing Churn SystemLeader2L12 trips with small parties of Army Cadets. From top of Dr Banister’s Handbasin to the top of Dolly Tubs pitches
05-Aug-99YorkshireLong Churn SystemLeader2L1 2 trips with small parties of Army Cadets. From top of Dr Bannister’s Handbasin to top of Dolly Tubs pitches
06-Aug-99YorkshireLong Churn SystemLeader2L1 2 trips with small parties of Army Cadets. From top of Dr Bannister’s Handbasin to top of Dolly Tubs pitches
07-Aug-99YorkshireLong Churn SystemLeader2L1 2 trips with small parties of Army Cadets. From top of Dr Bannister’s Handbasin to top of Dolly Tubs pitches
10-Aug-99YorkshireLong Churn SystemLeader2L1 1 trip with small party of Army Cadets. From top of Dr Bannister’s Handbasin to top of Dolly Tubs pitches
11-Aug-99YorkshireLong Churn SystemLeader2L1 2 trips with small parties of Army Cadets. From top of Dr Bannister’s Handbasin to top of Dolly Tubs pitches
16-Jul-00YorkshireLong Churn SystemLeader2L1with a novice party from CMC
27-Aug-00YorkshireLong Churn SystemLeader2L1with a party of Cambs ACF Cadets
31-Aug-00YorkshireLong Churn SystemLeader2L1with a party of Cambs ACF Cadets
27-Jul-03YorkshireLong Churn SystemLeader2L1CCAT party. From top of Dr Banister’s Handbasin to top of Dolly Tubs pitches
28-Jul-03YorkshireLong Churn SystemLeader2L1CCAT party. From top of Dr Banister’s Handbasin to top of Dolly Tubs pitches
31-Jul-03YorkshireLong Churn SystemLeader2L1CCAT party. From top of Dr Banister’s Handbasin to top of Dolly Tubs pitches
25-Oct-95YorkshireLost John’s CavePM3SRTup and down Centipede Route to the top of Valhalla. Derigged. Led by Phil Oakly
08-Mar-03YorkshireLost John’s CavePM2SRTdown Centipede Route and up Dome Route
24-Mar-98YorkshireNew Goydon PotPM3SRTimprovised rescue practice with patient and troll stretcher
25-Mar-98YorkshireNew Goydon PotPM3SRTstretcher uo to window vertically and via Tyrolean Traverse
10-Feb-00YorkshireNotts PotPM3SRTDown Centre Routs. Derigged Twilight Zone
14-Jul-00YorkshireOld Ing and Birkwith CavesSolo2L1solo recce
28-Aug-00YorkshireOld IngsLeader2L1with a party of Cambs ACF Cadets
28-Apr-82YorkshirePippikin to LinkPM5Pull-throughExiting through trip with NPC. Link exit pre-laddered
12-Dec-98YorkshireRowton PotLeader4SRTOn-site lead. Very wet
14-Aug-99YorkshireRowton PotLeader3SRTto sump with party of 4
17-Oct-99YorkshireRowton PotLeader3SRTTo sump in party of 4 with Viv Martin, Chris Cole, Mike Hawkins
27-Oct-95YorkshireRumbling HolePM4SRTCSCA party led by Phil Oakly
12-Aug-99YorkshireSell Gill HolesPM3SRTUp and down dry route. Party of 2
14-Aug-99YorkshireSell Gill HolesLeader3SRTCrossover trip. Rigged Dry Route down. Derigged Wet Route up
24-Oct-95YorkshireShort Drop CavePM3SRTCSCA Meet. Failed to find the route up to Gavel Pot, but saw daylight
01-July-97YorkshireShort Drop CavePM2Ladderedsupporting trip with novices
30-Jun-86YorkshireSwinsto to Valley EntranceLeader4Pull throughValley Entrance pre-rigged. Party of 4. RAFMA Meet
20-Oct-90YorkshireSwinsto to Valley EntrancePM4Pull throughValley Entrance pre-rigged. Party of 4. RAFMA Meet.
16-May-92YorkshireSwinsto to Valley EntranceLeader4Pull throughValley Entrance pre-rigged. Party of 4
11-Oct 92YorkshireSwinsto to Valley EntranceLeader4Pull throughValley Entrance pre-rigged. Party of 4
15-Oct-94YorkshireSwinsto to Valley EntranceLeader4Pull throughValley Entrance pre-rigged. Party of 6
14-Oct 95YorkshireSwinsto to Valley EntranceLeader4Pull throughValley Entrance pre-rigged. Party of 4
15-Oct-96YorkshireSwinsto to Valley EntranceLeader4Pull throughValley Entrance pre-rigged. Party of 6
03-Aug-99YorkshireSwinsto to Valley EntranceLeader4Pull throughValley Entrnce pre-rigged. Party of 2. A fast trip
15-Jun-03YorkshireSwinsto to Valley EntranceLeader4Pull throughValley Entrance pre-rigged. Party of 5
07-Dec-91YorkshireValley EntranceLeader3Ladderedto Master Junction, with novices
14-Oct-95YorkshireValley EntranceLeader3Ladderedto Master Junction, with novices
04-Oct-98YorkshireValley EntranceLeader3LadderedInstructing 3 novices
13-Dec-98YorkshireValley EntranceLeader3LadderedNovice trip. Rather wet
08-Feb-00YorkshireValley EntrancePM3SRTstretcher exercise on pitch
30-Aug-00YorkshireValley EntranceLeader3Ladderedwith party of Cambs ACF Cadets
31-Aug-00YorkshireValley EntranceLeader3LadderedCCAT party. To Master Junction and back
28-Oct-95YorkshireWretched RabbitPM3Hand-linedCSCA Meet led by Phil Oakley
03-Jul-97YorkshireWretched RabbitPM3Hand-linedTo the Main Drain and back
03-Oct-98YorkshireWretched RabbitLeader2Hand-linedinstruction to 3 novices
09-Aug-97YorkshireYordas CaveLeader2L1with party of novices
27-Mar-98YorkshireYordas CavePM2SRTsimulated cave rescue with Troll stetcher
11-Feb-00YorkshireYordas CavePM2SRTMiddle Entrance to Lower Entrance with person on stetcher

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