
The Covid-19 Pandemic

There are several issues which are related and completely relevant:

  1. Global warming and climate change.
  2. The approaching extinction of our species, Homo Sapiens.
  3. Our personal attitude towards death.
  4. The questions facing us.

Global Warming and Climate Change

A Hot Topic right now is the effect on Planet Earth of global warming and climate change. Those attempting to address this issue are just scratching the surface, merely dealing with the obvious symptoms, undoubtedly because the underlying cause is far too controversial for them to dare mention.

If Homo Sapiens had never evolved, Planet Earth would not now be facing its current challenges, since we are the cause. There is a resistance to accepting that deep down, the underlying problem is that there are simply far too many of us for our planet to cope with. Our population has risen from 1 billion to 7.8 billion over the last 200 years and the rate of annual rise shows no sign of tailing off, even though it is already too high for our planet to cope with. Our world population needs to be drastically reduced if our planet is to be saved. Is there a good counterargument?

The Approaching Extinction of our Species, Homo Sapiens.

Throughout history, the evolution of all species of plants and animal life has been successful because of strict adherence to the universal Law of the Survival of the Fittest, without which there would have been no evolution. Each successive generation has undetectable genetic mutations, and those mutations proving beneficial enable those with them to live longer to pass on their genes to the next generation.

We see this everywhere. Many plants with fruiting bodies above the ground have evolved to be unattractive to herbivores. Each pair of geese on our local pond typically produces a dozen goslings each year, most of which die before mating, (probably during migration), keeping their population down, with only those with the most advantageous genes surviving to breed. Our parents were each one of ten children at birth, but we didn’t have 36 uncles and aunts.

Key Question: What has been increasingly happening over the last 200 years to cause our population levels to climb at such an alarming rate? The answer is our personal selfish insistence on living for as long as possible, which we can only do by ignoring the Law of the Survival of the Fittest and relying on the medical and pharmaceutical industries to ensure the long-term lifespan of even the least fit, to breed and pass on their disadvantageous genes to the next generation. Our own personal selfishness is the true reason, although the public justification is undoubtedly caring for our fellow human beings. Consequently, we are slowly but surely destroying the human gene pool, a trend that is definitely escalating, thereby threatening the long-term survival of Homo Sapiens.

Our Personal Attitude towards death.

I have absolutely no fear of death whatsoever. We all go. Once we’ve gone, we don’t exist to know that we’ve gone, so there’s nothing to worry about. I agree with Hamlet: “If it be now, ’tis not to come. If it be not to come, it will be now. If it be not now, yet it will come—the readiness is all.”

The Questions facing us.

I lack the courage and audacity to stick my neck out and advocate anything, but here are some obvious questions. Who has the definitive answers to them?

  1. Is Covid19 killing a completely arbitrary choice of victim or does it often seem to be choosing those weakened by other causes?
  2. Could it be doing for us a job that needs doing anyway, if our planet and our species are both to survive?
  3. If Government restrictions are completely lifted and it is left to our own discretion what action to take, how much of our vehement opposition to this would be down to a reluctance to stand on our own two feet and forego the financial compensation necessary if it were government imposed. i.e., how much of it would be down to compensation greed? And who would be left to pay for it, if we all deserve compensation? We all know how to socially distance ourselves against infection, so should we be allowed to do so on our own recognisance?
  4. Will it solve our housing shortage, reduce the traffic density on our roads and cancel the need for Heathrow’s 3rd runway?
  5. If the UK led the way, what effect would it have on our immigration and emigration figures?
  6. A BBC TV mini-series in the middle of 2016, repeated in 2017, featured the Waorani tribe in the jungle region of Ecuador. The two most striking features about the naked tribesmen depicted, (to which no attention was drawn by the programme makers), was their obvious robust good health and their equally as obvious complete contentment with their lot. And yet this was presumably a tribe bereft of doctors, surgeons, hospitals and pharmaceuticals. Where have we gone so dreadfully wrong?

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